Our Process

Campbell & Associates believes that, while there is a place for presentations and glossy reports, this is simply summarizing and reporting, not the “product that we offer. Clearly defined, measurable results and education of how we got them is what is most important. Far too often, consulting is merely a parroting back of information that is already known. Campbell & Associates believes that our clients deserve much more.

Our experience is that any project is about processes AND people. Good ideas are not worth anything if they gather dust on a shelf. Campbell and Associates begins with understanding the needs of the people involved and the individual parts they play in making the results tangible.

Once clear goals of the project are in place, we work with key individuals to develop an implementation plan along-side of the business analysis and formal recommendations. Buy-in from all levels is an important and ongoing part of our process.

Campbell & Associates completes a project with specific recommendations, a step-by-step implementation plan, all materials and research describing how the recommendations were developed, and clearly defined roles for the people involved in the project.

Campbell & Associates will also develop a proposal for active facilitation and project management for the implementation process and provide coaching and mentoring services to individuals or the team.

People are our process, and our processes are people. That is the Campbell & Associates approach.